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Fe y Alegría


In alliance with the Caracas Region Department of Fe y Alegría, around 100 children from more than 30 public schools received a comprehensive training during one year with the goal to perform the show ORINOCO in its school version. Teachers in dance, singing and acting motivated these youngsters week after week to deliver the best of themselves on stage. The private school San Ignacio de Loyola in Caracas generously contributed by opening their classrooms and main auditorium to make this program a reality. 

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"After watching the show being performed by the children, I feel a huge sense of hope. This show serves as a metaphor, with a timely message that suits us very well as a country... This is an example of how from the union of diverse people can come out a big beautiful country."


Manuel Aristorena

General Director of Fe y Alegría in Venezuela

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Testimonial of one of the mothers from the 'Virginia de Ruiz' school (Catia, Caracas):
"Hermoso... formando valores..."
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Pictures from the training:
Pictures from the performances:
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